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July 23, 2024

Blindsided by DCYF transfer and return of inmates, Boehnke calls for transparency

OLYMPIA … On July 12, the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families transferred 43 incarcerated men over the age of 21 from Green Hill School in Chehalis to the custody of the state Department of Corrections. One week later, a Thurston Co. Superior Court judge found the transfer violated a previous legal agreement,...
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July 15, 2024

Boehnke attends Nuclear Legislative Workgroup in Chicago

A few days ago, I returned from a trip to Chicago to Co Chair the National Conference of State Legislatures, Nuclear Legislative Work Group spring meeting on July 8-9. The purpose of these meetings is to provide legislative members with the opportunity to learn about nuclear energy and related policy activity around the country. The...
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July 15, 2024

NEWS | B-Reactor tours extended through October

I am pleased to share that Visit Tri-Cities has announced the Department of Energy (DOE) will be extending reservations for The Manhattan Project B-Reactor Tours through the end of October 2024. This extension grants visitors more time to explore this significant historical and scientific landmark. The B-Reactor is a significant landmark in our nation’s history,...
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July 15, 2024

Boehnke meets with Pasco School District staff

Earlier in June, I met with Pasco School District Superintendent Michelle Whitney and staff at the Richard L. Lenhart Transportation Center in Pasco, Wash. The transportation center is named after Richard Lenhart, a Pasco school bus driver who lost his life in 2021, protecting 35 students from a man who entered his bus armed with...
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July 10, 2024

Boehnke selected to serve on new state AI task force

OLYMPIA… On June 21, State Sen. Matt Boehnke, the Legislature’s leading expert on cybersecurity and technology, was selected to serve on a new state Attorney General task force on artificial intelligence technology. Boehnke, R-Kennewick, will serve on the 18-person task force, which will be tasked with issuing findings, guiding principles and policy recommendations. “Serving on...
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June 10, 2024

Boehnke joins Human Services Committee members on 2-day tour

Sen. Matt Boehnke, R-Kennewick, will spend two days on a Human Services Committee tour to help shape the committee’s priorities and how they impact the social services available across Washington State, which are administered by the Department of Children, Youth & Families and Department of Social Human Services. On June 10, the committee began he...
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