Sawyer Kreis serves as page for Sen. Matt Boehnke

OLYMPIA… Sawyer Kreis, a sophomore at Hanford High School, recently spent a week working as a page for the Washington State Senate at the Capitol in Olympia.

He was one of 19 students who served as Senate pages for the eighth week of the 2025 legislative session.

He was sponsored by Sen. Matt Boehnke, who represents the 8th Legislative District, which includes Kennewick and Richland in Benton County.

“The page program gives Washington students a unique chance to learn about government and get to know other students from across the state,” said Boehnke. “Sawyer was a fantastic page and a hard worker, and I am very happy he enjoyed this experience.”

The Senate Page Program provides an opportunity for Washington students to spend a week working at the Legislature. Students transport documents between offices, as well as deliver messages and mail. Pages spend time in the Senate chamber and attend page school to learn about parliamentary procedure and the legislative process. Students also draft their own bills and engage in a legislative mock session.

One of the highlights of the week for Sawyer was getting to talk with senators while preforming page duties and getting to know them on a more human level. “Everyone here is so normal, even the senators are cool people and make jokes like everyone else does.”

Extra free time is not something Sawyer has too much of, as extracurricular activities include being the theater program, tennis, crafting sculptures, and lots of involvement with other school clubs and groups.

He is the 16-year-old son of Shawn and Irish Kreis of Richland.

Students interested in the Senate Page Program are encouraged to visit:

The last day to apply for the Senate Page Program for the 2025 session is March 17, or until all available openings are filled. Applications for the 2026 legislative session open November 1, 2025.

