Boehnke says passage of environmental-law bill was premature

Kennewick lawmaker worries about negative effect on state’s economy, local economic development

Sen. Matt Boehnke, R-Kennewick/Credit: Washington State Senate

OLYMPIA… The state Senate should have held off Tuesday on considering a bill that would overhaul several state environmental laws in ways that are likely to discourage economic development, said Sen. Matt Boehnke, R-Kennewick.

“Democrats and Republicans agree this is a very complex bill – but that doesn’t mean it’s also good policy that is ready to become law,” said Boehnke, ranking Republican on the Senate Environment, Energy and Technology Committee, said of Senate Bill 5360.

“This bill needs more balance, and there needs to be further discussion about what else it’s missing. The House has the bill now, and maybe it can still be turned into something reasonable – but the better answer may be to have the House take no action so we can try again next year.”

The partisan bill would expand entity liability for corporations, local governments, and organizations, update sentencing and penalties, create and reclassify existing crimes, and repeal outdated statutes.

“Sometimes a bill is brought to the floor of the Senate before it’s ready, and frankly, this is an example of one that needed more work in committee. It’s more about crimes and penalties than the ‘environment,’ so the bill really should have gone before the Senate Law and Justice Committee instead of or in addition to ours.

“Those who violate environmental law should be accountable, and I support the part of this bill that would hold local governments to the same standard as the private sector,” said Boehnke. “But still, I’m worried about over-zealous prosecution, the voice of local businesses being lost, and the potential economic harm to local communities.”

The 29-20 vote on SB 5360 had just one Democrat joining Republicans in a no vote.

For more information about Boehnke’s legislative work, visit
