Capital budget highlights and local projects

The final supplemental capital budget allocates $1.33 billion, including $130.6 million in bonds. The plan entails significant investments throughout the state in K-12 school construction, behavioral health and substance abuse treatment facilities, and early learning facilities, leaving $547,000 in remaining bond capacity.

With this budget’s unanimous approval, we are delighted to announce that more than $49 million for 8th District projects was included in the statewide spending plan.

In addition to the 8th District, we were able to contribute significantly to projects in the neighboring 15th and 16th districts, securing an additional $53.6 million in regional allocations. These projects underscore our commitment to shared community efforts.


Projects include:

8th District

  • Emergency Communications Radio Microwave: $235,000
  • Port of Benton Inland: $240,000
  • Renovations for Children’s Developmental Center: $174,000
  • HAPO Community Center: $3 million
  • Tri-Tech Skills Center: $45.496 million


15th District

  • Energy Northwest: $25 million 16th District
  • Columbia Valley Center for Recovery: $1.5 million
  • Pasco Agricultural Symbiosis Industrial Park: $150,000