November 08, 2019

Preparing for the 2020 session; take my legislative priorities survey!

As your state representative, it's my job to work on your behalf and help ensure the 8th District remains the best place in the state to live, work and raise a family. I'm proud of how our district is helping lead the way...
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May 31, 2019

Reps. Boehnke, Rude appointed to working group on nuclear energy, waste management issues

Reps. Matt Boehnke and Skyler Rude have been appointed to serve on the National Conference of State Legislature’s (NCSL) Nuclear Legislative Working Group. The group, which meets two times per year, provides state lawmakers from across the nation an opportunity to discuss nuclear energy and waste management policy, as well...
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May 10, 2019

Democrats pass $2 billion in tax increases on final weekend of 2019 legislative session

This year’s 105-day legislative session ended on a disappointing note, as the majority party approved $2 billion in tax increases in the dead of night before ultimately passing the 2019-21 operating budget. While it was always likely that larger Democrat majorities in the House and Senate would lead to tax...
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April 15, 2019

Boehnke sponsors local students as House pages

Earlier this session, Rep. Matt Boehnke, R-Kennewick, sponsored local students Grant Robertson (pictured left) and Johnathon Rexus (pictured right) as pages in the state House. Robertson attends Chief Joseph Middle School in Richland, while Rexus attends Kamiakin High School in Kennewick. During their week in the House Page Program, the...
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April 12, 2019

House Democrats proposing $4.2 billion in new taxes

It’s budget season, and unfortunately, taxpayers may wind up on the losing end when all is said and done. The House Democrats’ 2019-21 operating budget proposal, which was recently introduced, would not only increase spending by $8.5 billion, but would also increase taxes to the tune of $4.2 billion. We...
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March 26, 2019

TVW Legislator Profile: Rep. Matt Boehnke

Rep. Matt Boehnke, R-Kennewick, sits down with TVW to discuss the 8th Legislative District, one of his favorite political mentors, and the state’s K-12 education system.
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March 22, 2019

Town hall meeting on Saturday morning in Richland!

Tomorrow morning, Sen. Sharon Brown, Rep. Brad Klippert and I will be hosting a town hall meeting in Richland at The Arc of Tri-Cities from 9 a.m. to noon. The three of us will be providing a brief update on the legislative session, and then opening it up for questions....
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March 22, 2019

Rep. Boehnke discusses House of Origin cutoff and an upcoming town hall in Richland

Rep. Boehnke discusses House of Origin cutoff, and provides an update on several bills he co-sponsored this year. He also invites 8th District residents to attend a town hall meeting he’s holding with Sen. Sharon Brown and Rep. Brad Klippert in Richland on Saturday, March 23.
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March 16, 2019

8th District lawmakers to host town hall meeting in Richland on March 23

Eighth District lawmakers Sen. Sharon Brown, Rep. Brad Klippert, and Rep. Matt Boehnke will host a town meeting on Saturday, March 23, at The Arc of Tri-Cities in Richland. During the three-hour meeting, the legislators will provide an update on the 2019 legislative session and take questions from attendees. Details...
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March 11, 2019

Rep. Boehnke joins KONA to provide an update on the 2019 session

Rep. Matt Boehnke calls in to KONA to provide an update on the 2019 legislative session. Topics include house of origin cutoff, the status of his two bills, and an upcoming town hall meeting in Richland.
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