February 11, 2022

Boehnke ransomware protection bill unanimously approved by House

Last year, Washington businesses, agencies and other entities experienced more ransomware attacks than ever before. According to the Attorney General’s 2021 Data Breach Report, which was released in November, ransomware attacks accounted for 61% of all cyberattacks (150 of 245) and more than half of all data breaches (150 of...
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February 08, 2022

Rep. Boehnke joins KONA to discuss emergency powers and police reform

Rep. Matt Boehnke, R-Kennewick, joins KONA to provide an update on this year’s 60-day legislative session. Topics include bills he’s sponsored, the chances of emergency powers reform legislation being approved by the Legislature, and potential fixes to the disastrous police reform bills passed by the majority last year. Wash. House...
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February 03, 2022

House approves Boehnke workforce bill aimed at creating education and training opportunities in retail

With a 94-2 vote on Wednesday, the Washington State House of Representatives approved a bill sponsored by Rep. Matt Boehnke that seeks to increase education and training opportunities in the retail industry. House Bill 2019 would require the Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board to work with statewide retail employer...
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January 31, 2022

Reminder: 8th District virtual town hall meeting tonight!

It’s hard to believe we’re already in the fourth week of the 2022 legislative session. We’ve seen some interesting developments so far, which I’m looking forward to discussing tonight during the virtual town hall meeting I’m hosting with Rep. Klippert and Sen. Brown. If you would like to join us,...
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January 28, 2022

Video: Rep. Matt Boehnke’s message on Data Privacy Day

In a recorded message commemorating Data Privacy Day, 8th District Rep. Matt Boehnke urges state agencies, industry leaders, and his fellow lawmakers to “work together to pass sound legislation that prioritizes the protection of our citizens.” Last year, data breaches skyrocketed 500% in Washington. “We must continue to educate and...
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January 27, 2022

8th District lawmakers to provide session update during Jan. 31 virtual town hall meeting

Eighth District lawmakers Sen. Sharon Brown, Rep. Brad Klippert and Rep. Matt Boehnke will host a virtual town hall meeting Monday, January 31, from 6-7:30 p.m. During the 90-minute event, the lawmakers will provide an update on the 2022 legislative session and take questions from attendees. Those who would like...
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January 26, 2022

Hearing set for Boehnke bill that would help state meet greenhouse gas reduction goals through technological innovation and incentives

Rep. Matt Boehnke, R-Kennewick, has introduced a bill that seeks to help Washington state achieve a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions future through technological innovation and research and development tax credits. Washington emits about 100 million tons of carbon dioxide per year. While the state has some low-carbon solutions to address...
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January 21, 2022

This year’s 60-day legislative session is underway; 8th District virtual town hall scheduled for Jan. 31

After a long interim, it’s nice to finally be in session and working on issues that are not only critical to us here in the 8th District, but to everyone across the state. Although this year’s 60-day session is being conducted remotely, there are many ways you can stay engaged...
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November 30, 2021

Looking ahead to the 2022 legislative session

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and were able to take some time to reflect on what and who you’re thankful for. As I did my own reflecting, I thought about this job and how grateful I am for the opportunity to serve you in the Legislature. From...
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September 28, 2021

Two virtual Tax Town Halls tomorrow; House Republican priorities for the 2022 session

I sent my last email update out on June 25, five days before our state was set to fully reopen. On June 30, Governor Inslee was in a celebratory mood, declaring: “We are open big time in the state of Washington.” Days later, he told a reporter: “We’ve won the...
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